Back in 2009 this blog posted a rant about abandonware for the QL. This is one of the most frequently viewed posts indicating a general interest in the subject. The good news about abandonware is that the situation has improved dramatically since 2009. This last year saw the release of even more formerly commercial programs as freeware including Qmenu, QLiberator, QDock, QTImage, QPTR, QBase, SuQcess, QLAWK, DISA as far as QLHeaven is aware. There are probably more including 292 games.
The QL scene has been particularly buoyant with the release of a new hardware QL, the Q68, and updates to SMSQ/E, SMSQumlator, and uQLx. The release of a new Qubide driver with also runs on the Q60, and a revamp of the ubiquitous Toolkit2. New software has also been forthcoming including QLWarz, QXLwinreader, sbtohtml, Hexa-puzzle, plus updates to other programmes including Photon, MediaManager, Quill, PCB Design, QcdEze and more.
All the above information has been gleaned from a quick run through of Dilwyn Jones site updates for 2017 of which there have been 72 update entries often with multiple updates.
It is amazing that a 1980s computer and it's OS that had a commercial life of 3-4 years is still evolving.
Felice Anno Nuove
Bonne annee
Happy New Year
Sunday, 31 December 2017
Friday, 22 December 2017
Great QDOS/SMSQ/E Download Sites
In the QL Forum there has been talk of new black box noobs to the QL world. So if any read this blog, here are the best, in the opinion of QL Heaven, download sites for free QL software, listed with the name of the site owner. Click on the link.
1. Dilwyn Jones
2. Thiery Godefroy
3. Wolfgang Lenerz
personal software
4. Bob Spelten
5. George Gwilt
6. London QL + Quanta Group
7. Daniel Terina
8. Marcel Kilgus
And then there are some that are group efforts : Black Phoenix
The Repository
Finally the on line SBASIC/SuperBasic manual
1. Dilwyn Jones
2. Thiery Godefroy
3. Wolfgang Lenerz
personal software
4. Bob Spelten
5. George Gwilt
6. London QL + Quanta Group
7. Daniel Terina
8. Marcel Kilgus
And then there are some that are group efforts : Black Phoenix
The Repository
Finally the on line SBASIC/SuperBasic manual
Sunday, 17 December 2017
This new facility is an excellent addition for Qx0 users. Back up of Qx0 hard disks and transfer of their contents to other QL systems has been problematic up to now. QPC2 uses the file as hard disk, Supergold card QLs would use the QUBide hard disk interface, while the disk structure of the Qx0 hard disk was based on the Atari hard disk conventions. Three incompatible systems. Here at QL Heaven the Q60 hard disk was originally backed up to compact flash cards via a CF reader, and then in addition it was copied to external hard disks via a caddy system. Both of the hard disk IDE slots on the primary ISA card are attached to caddies to allow swapping of IDE disks, not hot swapping however. Latterly the contents of the Q60 hard disk were exported to a QPC2 QXLwin file via the serial port to a USBwiz device. This was a magical system but never entirely stable or compatible with all file handling programs so the transfer was somewhat hard work.
Now there is the FAT32 device. This is at an early stage of development but works just fine. QLHeaven can report the trouble free transfer of the entire contents of the Q60 hard disk to a file masquerading as Win5_. A FAT 32 CFcard was used simply because one and a CF card reader were to hand. Below is the card reader sitting inside the caddy.
Below is a view of the caddies on the Q60. Find SMSQ/E 3.32 here
Now there is the FAT32 device. This is at an early stage of development but works just fine. QLHeaven can report the trouble free transfer of the entire contents of the Q60 hard disk to a file masquerading as Win5_. A FAT 32 CFcard was used simply because one and a CF card reader were to hand. Below is the card reader sitting inside the caddy.
Below is a view of the caddies on the Q60. Find SMSQ/E 3.32 here
Sunday, 10 December 2017
Digital C
Digital C is a version of small C that was sold by Digital Precision up to and including the closing sale of the QL Collection back in the early to mid 1990s if memory serves QL Heaven correctly.
The collection comprised 10 disks containing zipped copies of a digital precision programs and their manuals. Digital C is now freeware and can be downloaded from Dilwyn Jones site. The sources are also available.
Digital C was QLHeaven's easy introduction to C programming. Digital C although complex was easier for the tyro to get in to that the more powerful C68 package. QL Heaven is a 14 day C programmer. A book was bought titled teach yourself C programming in 21 days. QLHeaven got to day 14, skipped the rest and got down to programming.
Some screen savers and a program to display some graphic file formats were the results. Yesterday checking through the QL sites bookmarked in QLHeaven's browser to remove those that had been taken down, a post on Tim Swenson's site caught the eye. A smsqe-zine from earlier this year where Tim Swenson had been playing around with Digital C and found that Digital C could only use the standard QL colours. This is not actually the case as Digital C contains functions to access QL Traps including trap#3. So here is a Digital C program running on a Q60 with grey and brown for its paper, ink and border colours. Why these colours were chosen is now beyond the ken of QLHeaven. Anyway here are some pics.
The collection comprised 10 disks containing zipped copies of a digital precision programs and their manuals. Digital C is now freeware and can be downloaded from Dilwyn Jones site. The sources are also available.
Digital C was QLHeaven's easy introduction to C programming. Digital C although complex was easier for the tyro to get in to that the more powerful C68 package. QL Heaven is a 14 day C programmer. A book was bought titled teach yourself C programming in 21 days. QLHeaven got to day 14, skipped the rest and got down to programming.
Some screen savers and a program to display some graphic file formats were the results. Yesterday checking through the QL sites bookmarked in QLHeaven's browser to remove those that had been taken down, a post on Tim Swenson's site caught the eye. A smsqe-zine from earlier this year where Tim Swenson had been playing around with Digital C and found that Digital C could only use the standard QL colours. This is not actually the case as Digital C contains functions to access QL Traps including trap#3. So here is a Digital C program running on a Q60 with grey and brown for its paper, ink and border colours. Why these colours were chosen is now beyond the ken of QLHeaven. Anyway here are some pics.
Thursday, 30 November 2017
SMSQ/E modules again
Here below is a further development of the SBASIC program written by Tony Tebby to explain the modular structure of smsqe. This time the program not only lists the modules in a version of smsq/e it also allows the extraction of a given module and/or its header element. Why - simply to see how it works.
The first image below shows how a module is selected, then when selected the second image shows the extraction menu.
The bottom window in the image shows how the screen shots were captured as gifs using a program called engif. This is an amazing little program. It only understands mode 4 and mode 8 colours but it can cope with display sizes more that 512x256. It comes in a package with ungif which can show a gif on a mode4 or mode 8 QL display.
Finally below is the listing.
The first image below shows how a module is selected, then when selected the second image shows the extraction menu.
The bottom window in the image shows how the screen shots were captured as gifs using a program called engif. This is an amazing little program. It only understands mode 4 and mode 8 colours but it can cope with display sizes more that 512x256. It comes in a package with ungif which can show a gif on a mode4 or mode 8 QL display.
Finally below is the listing.
1000 REMark - scan
bootloader file
1010 DIM version$(4):
version$(0)=4 :
1020 OPEN
#0,CON_512x420a20x16: CLS#0: BORDER#0,1,4
1030 height = 52 : DIM
d$(height,84) : pg=1
1040 INPUT#0,'SMSQ
file>';f$ : IF f$="":QUIT
1050 OPEN_IN #3,f$
1060 fln = FLEN(#3) :
PRINT#0,CHR$(10)&HEX$(fln,32)&" length of file"&CHR$(10)
1070 LGET
#3\fln-$18+$4,mod_ptr : REMark - get length of host module
PRINT#0,HEX$(mod_ptr,32)&" length of host module"&CHR$(10)
1090 LGET
#3\fln-$18+$14,bln : REMark - length
of bootloader file
PRINT#0,HEX$(bln,32)&" length of bootloader file"&CHR$(10)
1110 IF bln: mod_ptr =
mod_ptr + fln - bln
1120 FOR i=1 TO 9999
1130 LGET #3\(mod_ptr),mbase,mlength
1140 IF NOT mbase: modules=i-1:EXIT : REMark - end of file
1150 IF NOT i MOD height: Inc : pg=pg+1 : INPUT
a$; : REMark - pause at screen full
1160 WGET#3\(mod_ptr+$16),name_rel: REMark -
relative pointer to name
1170 GET#3\(mod_ptr+$16+name_rel),name$ : REMark - fetch module name
1180 IF LEN (name$)&&1: BGET#3,a :
REMark - odd length name is padded
1190 BGET #3,version$(1 TO 4) : REMark - get version, if any
1200 PRINT#0,HEX$(mod_ptr,32) !!!!
HEX$(mbase,24) !! HEX$(mlength,24) !! version$ ! name$
1210 d$(i)=HEX$(mod_ptr,32)&" "&HEX$(mbase,24)&" "&HEX$(mlength,24)&" "&version$&"
1220 mod_ptr = mod_ptr + mbase + mlength
1230 END FOR i
1240 CLOSE #3 :
PRINT#0,CHR$(10)&HEX$(mod_ptr,32)&" end of file"
1250 PRINT#0,\"Save
data as text file (S/s), Extract a module (X/x), Header Info (I/i)"
1256 PRINT#0,\" or ESC to Quit
1260 REPeat Main
1264 in=INKEY$(#0,-1) INSTR
'SsQqxXIi'&CHR$(27): REMark wait to close program
1270 SELect ON in
1280 =1,2
OPEN#1,"con_":OUTLN#1,320,210,96,130 : BORDER#1,1,4 : CLS#1
1286 AT#1,1,1:INPUT#1,'save file
name>';sf$ : IF sf$="":QUIT
1288 WREST#1
1290 =5,6 : SelectModule
1300 =7,8 : SelectModule
1310 =9
1320 END SELect
1324 IF sf$<>""
1330 OPEN_NEW#3,sf$ :
PRINT#3,f$\\HEX$(fln,32)&" length of file"&CHR$(10)
1340 FOR i=1 TO height : IF
d$(i)<>"": PRINT#3,d$(i) : END FOR i
1350 PRINT#3,\\HEX$(mod_ptr,32)&" end
of file"
1360 CLOSE#3 :sf$=""
1366 END IF
1378 END REPeat main
1370 :
1380 DEFine PROCedure Inc
1390 LOCal z$(height*pg),j
1400 FOR j=1 TO height*pg : z$(j)=d$(j)
1410 DIM d$(height*pg)
1420 FOR j=1 TO height*pg :d$(j)=z$(j)
1430 END DEFine
1440 :
1450 DEFine PROCedure
1460 wndoline=8 : txtline=1
: up=208 : dn=216
1470 REPeat choose
1480 key=CODE(INKEY$(#0))
1490 SELect ON key
1500 = 27 : EXIT choose
1510 = up
1520 AT#0,wndoline,0 :
1530 wndoline=wndoline-1 : IF wndoline<8
: wndoline=modules+7
1540 txtline=txtline-1 : IF txtline<1 :
1550 = dn
1560 AT#0,wndoline,0 :
1570 wndoline=wndoline+1 : IF
wndoline>modules+7 : wndoline=8
1580 txtline=txtline+1 : IF
txtline>modules : txtline=1
1590 =10,32
1600 SELect ON in
1610 = 5,6 : DoExtraction
1620 = 7,8 : ShowHeaderInfo
1630 END SELect
1634 AT#0,wndoline,0 : INK#0,4:PRINT#0,d$(txtline)
1636 RETurn
1640 END SELect
1650 AT#0,wndoline,0 : INK#0,7:
1660 END REPeat choose
1670 END DEFine
1680 :
DEFine PROCedure DoExtraction
ptr=HEX(d$(txtline,1 TO 8)):hdr=HEX(d$(txtline,13 TO 18)):sze=HEX(d$(txtline,21
TO 26))
strngmax=32000 : Xmod$=GetName
OPEN#1,"con_":OUTLN#1,320,210,96,130 : BORDER#1,1,4 : CLS#1
AT#1,1,2: INK#1,7: PRINT#1,"Module:- ";Xmod$
AT#1,3,5: PRINT#1,"a: Extract header and module"
AT#1,5,5: PRINT#1,"h: Extract header only"
AT#1,7,5: PRINT#1,"m: Extract module only"
AT#1,9,5: PRINT#1,"Q: Back to list without extraction"
ky=INKEY$(#1,-1) INSTR 'AaHhMmQq'&CHR$(27)
1790 SELect ON ky
1800 =1,2 : all=hdr+sze
1810 =3,4 : all=hdr
1820 =5,6 : all=sze : ptr=ptr+hdr : REMark
move pointer to module
1830 END SELect
1840 IF ky>0 AND ky <7 :AT#1,12,2 :
INPUT#1,'save file name>';mf$ : IF mf$="": WREST#1 : RETurn
1850 WREST#1
1854 IF ky < 7
1858 OPEN_IN#3,f$ : OPEN_OVER#4,mf$
1860 IF all <= strngmax
1870 DIM mod$(all) : BGET#3\ptr,mod$(1 TO all)
: PRINT#4,mod$(1 TO all);
1880 ELSE
1890 DIM mod$(strngmax)
1900 REPeat getbits
1910 BGET#3\ptr,mod$(1 TO strngmax) :
PRINT#4,mod$(1 TO strngmax); : IF all=0 : EXIT getbits
1920 all=all-strngmax : IF all <strngmax
: strngmax=all :all=0
1930 END REPeat
1940 END IF
1950 CLOSE#3 : CLOSE#4
1956 END IF
1960 END DEFine DoExtraction
1970 :
1980 DEFine FuNction GetName
1990 LOCal
2000 m$=d$(txtline,29 TO ) :
2010 REPeat first
2020 IF m$(j)<>" " : m$=m$(j TO)
: EXIT first
2030 j=j+1
2040 END REPeat first
2050 j=LEN(m$)
2060 REPeat last
2070 IF m$(j)<>" " : m$=m$(1 TO
j) : EXIT last
2080 j=j-1
2090 END REPeat last
2100 RETurn m$
2110 END DEFine GetName
2120 :
2130 DEFine PROCedure
2140 Xmod$=GetName : DIM
2150 ptr=HEX(d$(txtline,1 TO
2160 OPEN_IN#3,f$ : rem
BGET#3\ptr,mod$(1 to 24)
2166 BGET#3\(ptr),lvl :
OPEN#1,"con_":OUTLN#1,320,210,96,130 : BORDER#1,1,4 : CLS#1
2180 AT#1,1,2: INK#1,7:
PRINT#1,"Header Info:- ";Xmod$
2190 AT#1,3,5:
PRINT#1,"Header Length",HEX$(hl,32),hl
2200 AT#1,5,5:
PRINT#1,"Module Length",HEX$(ml,32),ml
2210 AT#1,7,5: PRINT#1,"Relocate
2220 AT#1,9,5:
2230 AT#1,11,5:
PRINT#1,"Select Code Offset",HEX$(sl,32),sl
2240 AT#1,13,5:
PRINT#1,"Module Level",HEX$(lvl,8),,lvl
2250 AT#1,15,5:
PRINT#1,"Offset to Name",HEX$(nme,16),,nme
2256 AT#1,19,5:
PRINT#1,,"To return ESC or eXit"
2260 rt=INKEY$(#1,-1) INSTR
2270 WREST#1
2280 END DEFine
Friday, 24 November 2017
Q60 and QTOP Index
QLheaven is exceedingly pleased that some of this blog's posts have come to the attention of the QL Forum and have even stirred up some discussion.
The Q60 QTOP-index measurement of 108.88 mentioned in a previous post RPi and QL emulator speeds that was considered to be wrong. This post was actually about the speeds of QL emulation on a Raspberry Pi using either uqxl or smsqmulator. This post showed that these 2 emulators on the modest RPi could perform better than many of the old QL type hardware systems.
Figures for the Q60 and QPC2 were thrown in for context and perhaps some more information regarding the set up of the Q60 could have been given as this was given for the surprisingly very high QPC2 speed which was largely down the PC hardware.
QLHeaven was itself surprised by the relatively low figure of 108.88 that QTOP had produced for the the Q60. But many factors can affect the production of benchmark figures. In the case of the Q60 the setting for the 68060 processors caches will markedly affect this as will the screen size and graphics mode in use. Other software running at the same time as the bench marking software tends to have a significantly lesser effect on the benchmark level produced.Although the slightly better performace of the Q60 with write through caches and 16 bit colour at 1024x512 is thought to be due to improvements in smsq/e over the 18 months or so since the last tests.
QLHeaven will freely confess to routinely using the write through cache setting instead of the faster copyback setting as copyback often screws up compiled SBASIC, such as QLiberated programs making copyback difficult to live with. Secondly the Q60 is almost always used in 16bit colour 1024x512 screen resolution, so it seemed fair to use a QTOP index with these settings. And here is the evidence of the effect of screen resolution,size and cache settings.
* Only software running - TINDEX
As can be seen the key influences on the TINDEX result are the cache mode, screen resolution and colour mode.
The Q60 QTOP-index measurement of 108.88 mentioned in a previous post RPi and QL emulator speeds that was considered to be wrong. This post was actually about the speeds of QL emulation on a Raspberry Pi using either uqxl or smsqmulator. This post showed that these 2 emulators on the modest RPi could perform better than many of the old QL type hardware systems.
Figures for the Q60 and QPC2 were thrown in for context and perhaps some more information regarding the set up of the Q60 could have been given as this was given for the surprisingly very high QPC2 speed which was largely down the PC hardware.
QLHeaven was itself surprised by the relatively low figure of 108.88 that QTOP had produced for the the Q60. But many factors can affect the production of benchmark figures. In the case of the Q60 the setting for the 68060 processors caches will markedly affect this as will the screen size and graphics mode in use. Other software running at the same time as the bench marking software tends to have a significantly lesser effect on the benchmark level produced.Although the slightly better performace of the Q60 with write through caches and 16 bit colour at 1024x512 is thought to be due to improvements in smsq/e over the 18 months or so since the last tests.
QLHeaven will freely confess to routinely using the write through cache setting instead of the faster copyback setting as copyback often screws up compiled SBASIC, such as QLiberated programs making copyback difficult to live with. Secondly the Q60 is almost always used in 16bit colour 1024x512 screen resolution, so it seemed fair to use a QTOP index with these settings. And here is the evidence of the effect of screen resolution,size and cache settings.
Q60 80mHz QTOP speed test results
Screen Size
Screen Mode
QTOP Index
16 bit
16 bit
16 bit
16 bit
mode 4
mode 4
As can be seen the key influences on the TINDEX result are the cache mode, screen resolution and colour mode.
![]() | |
Sunday, 19 November 2017
Friday, 17 November 2017
QL World File Finder Update - Wild Search
Some time ago it was suggested here in QLHeaven that the File Finder program from QL World in 1989 was worthy of an update. At the moment there are several file finder programs on Dilwyn Jones website. QLHeaven has had a look at most of them. Many have drawbacks, some are complex and none are as simple as the original file finder program. So QLHeaven was pleased to discover that it had been updated.
The update is still a SBASIC listing that can be launched with EX. It needs SMSQE, and uses the WMAN colours. It also uses one QPTR keyword. As QPTR is now freeware and downloadable from Dilwyn Jones site this should not be an issue. The program is also FI2 capable. The advantage of it being a SBASIC listing is that it could be tweaked if need be. For example if for some reason a search pulled up more files that the arrays used in the program are designed for then they could be expanded. Although a search that pulls up more than 2k items surely cannot be a discriminating or useful search. The lists of files found may be saved as text documents for future reference if needed, and file names can be placed in the stuffer buffer. Files can be exed or read/edited via FI2 if required.
Below are some screen shots of the program running on an Aurora system, a Q60 system and QPC2.
The update is still a SBASIC listing that can be launched with EX. It needs SMSQE, and uses the WMAN colours. It also uses one QPTR keyword. As QPTR is now freeware and downloadable from Dilwyn Jones site this should not be an issue. The program is also FI2 capable. The advantage of it being a SBASIC listing is that it could be tweaked if need be. For example if for some reason a search pulled up more files that the arrays used in the program are designed for then they could be expanded. Although a search that pulls up more than 2k items surely cannot be a discriminating or useful search. The lists of files found may be saved as text documents for future reference if needed, and file names can be placed in the stuffer buffer. Files can be exed or read/edited via FI2 if required.
Below are some screen shots of the program running on an Aurora system, a Q60 system and QPC2.
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Quanta version of Jan Jones Superbasic Handbook
While working on a small SBASIC program QLHeaven had a need to consult on the usage of a superbasic keyword in a copy of Jan Jones Superbasic handbook that had been bought from Quanta. Pages 171 and 172 which contained the crucial information were missing. No evidence that they had ever existed in the book. This was not a big deal as there was also a copy of RWAP's SBASIC Reference manual to hand. But QLHeaven wonders if any other copies of Quanta's version of Jan Jones book were missing pages or if indeed this was a rare copy of the book that could be worth a fortune in years to come!
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Some Small Things
Firstly the price of the new Q68 QL clone is :
Q68 board, 4Gb SDHC Card, SMSQ/E: £150.00 Black Case: £20 Belkin Black PS/2 spliter: £2.00
General Release date: 09/10/2017. Derek Stewart is making a register of interested buyers.
Secondly, non destructive pop up windows in programs. There have been many ways of doing this. There was and is a DIY toolkit set of keywords that will let Superbasic, QDOS programmers make and store and replace windows, W_STORE, W_CRUNCH, W_SHOW etc. The Turbo toolkit came with some Superbasic demos that could help do the same. Then there are the QPTR and Easypointer toolkits. Each way of making non destructive windows seems quite complex. Yet in SBASIC, the keyword OUTLN does the job.
10 OPEN#1,"con_":OUTLN#1,xsize,ysize,xpos,ypos: CLS#1 does the job. The question is how to restore the previous screen contents. Again this is simple. The QPTR keyword WREST does the job.
20 WREST#1 restores the content overwritten by OUTLN.
Both keywords originally appeared in the QPTR toolkit. This puzzle is why only OUTLN became a standard SBASIC keyword.

Q68 board, 4Gb SDHC Card, SMSQ/E: £150.00 Black Case: £20 Belkin Black PS/2 spliter: £2.00
General Release date: 09/10/2017. Derek Stewart is making a register of interested buyers.
Secondly, non destructive pop up windows in programs. There have been many ways of doing this. There was and is a DIY toolkit set of keywords that will let Superbasic, QDOS programmers make and store and replace windows, W_STORE, W_CRUNCH, W_SHOW etc. The Turbo toolkit came with some Superbasic demos that could help do the same. Then there are the QPTR and Easypointer toolkits. Each way of making non destructive windows seems quite complex. Yet in SBASIC, the keyword OUTLN does the job.
10 OPEN#1,"con_":OUTLN#1,xsize,ysize,xpos,ypos: CLS#1 does the job. The question is how to restore the previous screen contents. Again this is simple. The QPTR keyword WREST does the job.
20 WREST#1 restores the content overwritten by OUTLN.
Both keywords originally appeared in the QPTR toolkit. This puzzle is why only OUTLN became a standard SBASIC keyword.
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
Q68 QL replacement due October 2017
The QL Forum and users list has been busy with the exciting announcement of the imminent launch of the latest hardware project from Peter Graf along with the help of many QL enthusiasts: the Q68.
In his own words : -
- Operating System: SMSQ/E
- CPU: 68000 compatible
- Speed: 40Mhz
- RAM: 32 MB
- SDHC: Two fullsize slots, hot plugging
- QXL.WIN style storage container format
- Keyboard and mouse: Combined PS/2 Connection, scrollwheel support
- VGA: 1024x768 VESA for flatscreen, CRT or HDMI converter
- Graphic modes:
- 256x256 QL Mode 8
- 512x256 QL Mode 4
- 512x256 Q60 65536 colour
- 1024x512 Q60 65536 colour
- 1024x768 QL Mode 4
- 512x384 Q60 65536 colour
- Serial port
- Stereo sampled sound, 3.5 mm output socket
- Buffered real time clock
- I2C interface
- Ethernet, no software support yet
- QL style LED colours
- PCB Size: 8x10 cm
- Recommended power supply: 5V @ 1A
- Silent operation, no fans or heat
- Case: Optional
The price is apparently still to be decided. The launch is pencilled in for October this year. while this is a great new venture that should expand the base of QL users with up to date hardware one nagging concern QL Heaven has for this system is the graphics VGA signal as only the mode 4 1024x768 resolution will work with a flat screen monitor, the other resolutions will require an CRT monitor unless there is something that QL Heaven does not know. Why not include a "PC standard" resolution with high colour as well as the older QL compatible resolutions? None the less QL Heaven will need to get one.
In his own words : -
"I hope to be able to write more about the Q68 at a later time, right now let me say thanks to...
... Laurence Reeves and Tony Firshman for releasing Minerva as free QL operating system, motivating me to develop the Q68 at all
... Richard Zidlicky for bringing Minerva plus PS/2 driver to the Q68 and his great help debugging CPU cores
... Mark Swift for QDOS Classic, structured so nicely that even I could port it to the Q68 in a single day
... Tobias Gubener for the CPU core the Q68 finally uses
... Adrian Ives for the QL-SD driver, initially used for Q68 mass storage
... Tony Tebby for relasing SMSQ/E as free software after all
... Wolfgang Lenerz for his outstanding achievement of porting SMSQ/E to the Q68
... Wolfgang Lenerz again for very helpful tools, extra drivers and docs
... Derek Stewart for his courage and lots of work manufacturing the Q68 hardware and making it available for the public"
... Laurence Reeves and Tony Firshman for releasing Minerva as free QL operating system, motivating me to develop the Q68 at all
... Richard Zidlicky for bringing Minerva plus PS/2 driver to the Q68 and his great help debugging CPU cores
... Mark Swift for QDOS Classic, structured so nicely that even I could port it to the Q68 in a single day
... Tobias Gubener for the CPU core the Q68 finally uses
... Adrian Ives for the QL-SD driver, initially used for Q68 mass storage
... Tony Tebby for relasing SMSQ/E as free software after all
... Wolfgang Lenerz for his outstanding achievement of porting SMSQ/E to the Q68
... Wolfgang Lenerz again for very helpful tools, extra drivers and docs
... Derek Stewart for his courage and lots of work manufacturing the Q68 hardware and making it available for the public"
The specification or this wondrous new bit of hardware is :
- Operating System: SMSQ/E
- CPU: 68000 compatible
- Speed: 40Mhz
- RAM: 32 MB
- SDHC: Two fullsize slots, hot plugging
- QXL.WIN style storage container format
- Keyboard and mouse: Combined PS/2 Connection, scrollwheel support
- VGA: 1024x768 VESA for flatscreen, CRT or HDMI converter
- Graphic modes:
- 256x256 QL Mode 8
- 512x256 QL Mode 4
- 512x256 Q60 65536 colour
- 1024x512 Q60 65536 colour
- 1024x768 QL Mode 4
- 512x384 Q60 65536 colour
- Serial port
- Stereo sampled sound, 3.5 mm output socket
- Buffered real time clock
- I2C interface
- Ethernet, no software support yet
- QL style LED colours
- PCB Size: 8x10 cm
- Recommended power supply: 5V @ 1A
- Silent operation, no fans or heat
- Case: Optional
And here are some pictures :
The price is apparently still to be decided. The launch is pencilled in for October this year. while this is a great new venture that should expand the base of QL users with up to date hardware one nagging concern QL Heaven has for this system is the graphics VGA signal as only the mode 4 1024x768 resolution will work with a flat screen monitor, the other resolutions will require an CRT monitor unless there is something that QL Heaven does not know. Why not include a "PC standard" resolution with high colour as well as the older QL compatible resolutions? None the less QL Heaven will need to get one.
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Mouse Woes
It was time to replace the trusty QL mouse. As you know the QL can use an number of interfaces to connect to a mouse. There are the built in interfaces in the Qx0 series, there is the QIMI mouse interface which can be connected to the original QL mother board and which is built in to the Aurora mother board replacement, there is the mouse connection on the SuperHermes board, and there is SNG's DIY mouse software. What they all have in common is that they use a serial mouse connected to a serial port.
But serial mice are no longer manufactured other than USB mice. My QL mouse has a PS2 connection which is connected via a PS2 to serial adapter.
So it seemed all that was needed really was a PS2 mouse. After ordering and returning 3 PS2 mice that did not function at all with the Aurora the truth was finally discovered. My PS2 mouse was a combo PS2/Serial mouse. The adapter merely transferred the connecting wires from the PS2 socket in to the correct locations for the serial port. The mouse itself could run in both PS2 and serial mode and could detect which protocol was being used.There is no way of knowing looking at the mouse that it is a combo mouse and these serial/PS2 mice also seem to have disappeared. The PS2/"serial" mouse now is a PS2/USB mouse.
Is there a supply of older mice out there somewhere or these obsolete mice. Are there adapters that themselves can convert PS2/USB protocols to serial allowing the use of modern mice on older computers?
It would be nice to use a wireless optical mouse with the QL.
But serial mice are no longer manufactured other than USB mice. My QL mouse has a PS2 connection which is connected via a PS2 to serial adapter.
So it seemed all that was needed really was a PS2 mouse. After ordering and returning 3 PS2 mice that did not function at all with the Aurora the truth was finally discovered. My PS2 mouse was a combo PS2/Serial mouse. The adapter merely transferred the connecting wires from the PS2 socket in to the correct locations for the serial port. The mouse itself could run in both PS2 and serial mode and could detect which protocol was being used.There is no way of knowing looking at the mouse that it is a combo mouse and these serial/PS2 mice also seem to have disappeared. The PS2/"serial" mouse now is a PS2/USB mouse.
Is there a supply of older mice out there somewhere or these obsolete mice. Are there adapters that themselves can convert PS2/USB protocols to serial allowing the use of modern mice on older computers?
It would be nice to use a wireless optical mouse with the QL.
Monday, 7 August 2017
SMSQE modules
Which modules are in which versions of smsq/e? How many versions of smsq/e are there?
The answers are below.
000412CC length of file
0000005C 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000001E4 0001B2 Gold Card Initialisation for SMSQ
00000700 003010 3.31 SMSQ
00003742 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
00003974 0094F4 SBASIC
0000CE8E 000278 SMSQ Initialisation - GC
0000D150 0002CA SMSQ Initialisation - SGC
0000D464 001538 SMSQ Messages
0000E9CA 00067A SMSQ GOLD Keyboard Tables
0000F08E 00026C SMSQ GOLD ABC Keyboard Tables
0000F348 001C4A SBASIC Messages
00010FC2 000330 SMSQ GOLD ABC Keyboard
00011338 0050AC SMSQ GOLD Drivers
00016416 009890 SMSQ GOLD CON Driver
0001FCDA 007EF2 SMSQ GOLD 8 bit CON Driver
00027C06 00012C SMSQ QIMI Driver
00027D70 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
0002CB14 000D8C SMSQ System sprites
0002D8D4 005AD8 3.08 SMSQ GOLD DV3 Drivers
000333E2 001060 SMSQ Net Driver - GC
00034488 001084 SMSQ Net Driver - SGC
00035552 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
0003864A 0000AE Initialise QL ROMs
0003872A 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
000392E8 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
0003FDA4 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
000412B4 end of file
The answers are below.
000392C0 length of file
0000005C 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000001E4 0001B2 Gold Card Initialisation for SMSQ
00000700 003010 3.31 SMSQ
00003742 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
00003974 0094F4 SBASIC
0000CE8E 000278 SMSQ Initialisation - GC
0000D150 0002CA SMSQ Initialisation - SGC
0000D464 001538 SMSQ Messages
0000E9CA 00067A SMSQ GOLD Keyboard Tables
0000F08E 00026C SMSQ GOLD ABC Keyboard Tables
0000F348 001C4A SBASIC Messages
00010FC2 000330 SMSQ GOLD ABC Keyboard
00011338 0050AC SMSQ GOLD Drivers
00016416 009890 SMSQ GOLD CON Driver
0001FCDA 00012C SMSQ QIMI Driver
0001FE44 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
00024BE8 005AD8 3.08 SMSQ GOLD DV3 Drivers
0002A6F6 001060 SMSQ Net Driver - GC
0002B79C 001084 SMSQ Net Driver - SGC
0002C866 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
0002F95E 000D8C SMSQ System sprites
0003071E 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
000371DA 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
00037D98 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
000392A8 end of file
000392C0 length of file
0000005C 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000001E4 0001B2 Gold Card Initialisation for SMSQ
00000700 003010 3.31 SMSQ
00003742 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
00003974 0094F4 SBASIC
0000CE8E 000278 SMSQ Initialisation - GC
0000D150 0002CA SMSQ Initialisation - SGC
0000D464 001538 SMSQ Messages
0000E9CA 00067A SMSQ GOLD Keyboard Tables
0000F08E 00026C SMSQ GOLD ABC Keyboard Tables
0000F348 001C4A SBASIC Messages
00010FC2 000330 SMSQ GOLD ABC Keyboard
00011338 0050AC SMSQ GOLD Drivers
00016416 009890 SMSQ GOLD CON Driver
0001FCDA 00012C SMSQ QIMI Driver
0001FE44 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
00024BE8 005AD8 3.08 SMSQ GOLD DV3 Drivers
0002A6F6 001060 SMSQ Net Driver - GC
0002B79C 001084 SMSQ Net Driver - SGC
0002C866 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
0002F95E 000D8C SMSQ System sprites
0003071E 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
000371DA 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
00037D98 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
000392A8 end of file
000412CC length of file
0000005C 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000001E4 0001B2 Gold Card Initialisation for SMSQ
00000700 003010 3.31 SMSQ
00003742 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
00003974 0094F4 SBASIC
0000CE8E 000278 SMSQ Initialisation - GC
0000D150 0002CA SMSQ Initialisation - SGC
0000D464 001538 SMSQ Messages
0000E9CA 00067A SMSQ GOLD Keyboard Tables
0000F08E 00026C SMSQ GOLD ABC Keyboard Tables
0000F348 001C4A SBASIC Messages
00010FC2 000330 SMSQ GOLD ABC Keyboard
00011338 0050AC SMSQ GOLD Drivers
00016416 009890 SMSQ GOLD CON Driver
0001FCDA 007EF2 SMSQ GOLD 8 bit CON Driver
00027C06 00012C SMSQ QIMI Driver
00027D70 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
0002CB14 000D8C SMSQ System sprites
0002D8D4 005AD8 3.08 SMSQ GOLD DV3 Drivers
000333E2 001060 SMSQ Net Driver - GC
00034488 001084 SMSQ Net Driver - SGC
00035552 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
0003864A 0000AE Initialise QL ROMs
0003872A 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
000392E8 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
0003FDA4 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
000412B4 end of file
00044C9C length of file
00000042 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000001CA 00056A Atari Hardware Initialisation for SMSQ
00000B5E 003006 3.31 SMSQ Fast RAM
00003BA4 003010 3.31 SMSQ
00006BE6 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
00006E18 0094F4 SBASIC
00010332 00061E SMSQ Atari Initialisation
0001098A 001538 SMSQ Messages
00011EF0 0010B0 SMSQ Atari Keyboard Tables
00012FDA 001C4A SBASIC Messages
00014C54 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
0001B710 007276 3.08 SMSQ Atari DV3
000229B4 0057B6 SMSQ Atari Serial Drivers
000281A4 008270 SMSQ Atari Mono Driver
00030456 009AC2 SMSQ Atari QL Driver
00039F5A 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
0003ECFE 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
00041DF6 000D8C SMSQ System sprites
00042BB6 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
00043774 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
00044C84 end of file
00044C9C length of file
00000042 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000001CA 00056A Atari Hardware Initialisation for SMSQ
00000B5E 003006 3.31 SMSQ Fast RAM
00003BA4 003010 3.31 SMSQ
00006BE6 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
00006E18 0094F4 SBASIC
00010332 00061E SMSQ Atari Initialisation
0001098A 001538 SMSQ Messages
00011EF0 0010B0 SMSQ Atari Keyboard Tables
00012FDA 001C4A SBASIC Messages
00014C54 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
0001B710 007276 3.08 SMSQ Atari DV3
000229B4 0057B6 SMSQ Atari Serial Drivers
000281A4 008270 SMSQ Atari Mono Driver
00030456 009AC2 SMSQ Atari QL Driver
00039F5A 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
0003ECFE 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
00041DF6 000D8C SMSQ System sprites
00042BB6 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
00043774 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
00044C84 end of file
00047F2E length of file
00003638 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000037C0 000122 QXL Hardware Initialisation for SMSQ
00003C18 003010 3.31 SMSQ
00006C5A 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
00006E8C 0094F4 SBASIC
000103A6 0013F0 SMSQ QXL Initialisation
000117CE 001538 SMSQ Messages
00012D34 000F0C SMSQ QXL Keyboard Tables
00013C78 001C4A SBASIC Messages
000158F2 006CF0 SBASIC Procedures
0001C614 0051AE SMSQ QXL Drivers
000217F2 009888 SMSQ QXL QL CON Driver
0002B0B0 007D68 SMSQ QXL 16 bit CON Driver
00032E52 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
00037BF6 0010B8 SMSQ QXL Net Driver
00038CE2 006256 3.08 SMSQ QXL DV3
0003EF64 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
0004205C 003D70 SMSQ System sprites
00045E00 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
000469BE 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
00047ECE 000010 SMSQ QXL Enable Caches
00047F16 end of file
00047F2E length of file
00003638 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000037C0 000122 QXL Hardware Initialisation for SMSQ
00003C18 003010 3.31 SMSQ
00006C5A 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
00006E8C 0094F4 SBASIC
000103A6 0013F0 SMSQ QXL Initialisation
000117CE 001538 SMSQ Messages
00012D34 000F0C SMSQ QXL Keyboard Tables
00013C78 001C4A SBASIC Messages
000158F2 006CF0 SBASIC Procedures
0001C614 0051AE SMSQ QXL Drivers
000217F2 009888 SMSQ QXL QL CON Driver
0002B0B0 007D68 SMSQ QXL 16 bit CON Driver
00032E52 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
00037BF6 0010B8 SMSQ QXL Net Driver
00038CE2 006256 3.08 SMSQ QXL DV3
0003EF64 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
0004205C 003D70 SMSQ System sprites
00045E00 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
000469BE 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
00047ECE 000010 SMSQ QXL Enable Caches
00047F16 end of file
0004EE26 length of file
00000048 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000001D0 0000AA QPC Hardware Initialisation for SMSQ
00002164 002ECA 3.31 SMSQ
00005060 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
00005292 0094F4 SBASIC
0000E7AC 000AB8 SMSQ QPC Initialisation
0000F29C 001538 SMSQ Messages
00010802 000F0C SMSQ QPC Keyboard Tables
00011746 001C4A SBASIC Messages
000133C0 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
00019E7C 004E46 SMSQ QPC Drivers
0001ECF2 009772 SMSQ QPC QL CON Driver
0002849A 007A30 SMSQ QPC 16 bit CON Driver
0002FF04 007C04 SMSQ QPC 8 bit CON Driver
00037B42 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
0003C8E6 003D70 SMSQ System sprites
0004068A 00640E 3.08 SMSQ QPC DV3
00046AC4 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
00049BBC 000EC6 QPC SBASIC Procedures
0004AAB8 000DF6 CD-Audio driver
0004B8DE 0011F0 DOS device driver
0004CB00 00020E IP devices driver
0004CD40 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
0004D8FE 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
0004EE0E end of file
0004EE26 length of file
00000048 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000001D0 0000AA QPC Hardware Initialisation for SMSQ
00002164 002ECA 3.31 SMSQ
00005060 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
00005292 0094F4 SBASIC
0000E7AC 000AB8 SMSQ QPC Initialisation
0000F29C 001538 SMSQ Messages
00010802 000F0C SMSQ QPC Keyboard Tables
00011746 001C4A SBASIC Messages
000133C0 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
00019E7C 004E46 SMSQ QPC Drivers
0001ECF2 009772 SMSQ QPC QL CON Driver
0002849A 007A30 SMSQ QPC 16 bit CON Driver
0002FF04 007C04 SMSQ QPC 8 bit CON Driver
00037B42 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
0003C8E6 003D70 SMSQ System sprites
0004068A 00640E 3.08 SMSQ QPC DV3
00046AC4 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
00049BBC 000EC6 QPC SBASIC Procedures
0004AAB8 000DF6 CD-Audio driver
0004B8DE 0011F0 DOS device driver
0004CB00 00020E IP devices driver
0004CD40 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
0004D8FE 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
0004EE0E end of file
00043614 length of file
00000096 000154 SMSQ System Loader
0000021E 0002EC Q40 Hardware Initialisation for SMSQ
0000079E 002FCA 3.31 SMSQ
0000379A 0000F6 2.01 SMSQ Copyback Cache Handling Code
000038D2 000022 SMSQ Q40 copyback cache tidy
00003930 0094F4 SBASIC
0000CE4A 001538 SMSQ Messages
0000E3B0 000F0C SMSQ Q40 Keyboard Tables
0000F2F4 001C4A SBASIC Messages
00010F6E 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
00017A2A 0066D2 3.08 SMSQ Q40 DV3
0001E128 005C2C SMSQ Q40 Serial Drivers
00023D8C 0097F4 SMSQ Q40 QL CON Driver
0002D5B6 007B7E SMSQ Q40 16 bit Console Driver
00035172 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
00039F16 003D70 SMSQ System sprites
0003DCBA 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
00040DB2 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
00041970 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
00042E80 000526 SMSQ Q40 Initialisation
000433DE 000164 1.01 Initialise Q40/Q60 Cache modes
000435FC end of file
7.00043614 length of file
00000096 000154 SMSQ System Loader
0000021E 0002EC Q40 Hardware Initialisation for SMSQ
0000079E 002FCA 3.31 SMSQ
0000379A 0000F6 2.01 SMSQ Copyback Cache Handling Code
000038D2 000022 SMSQ Q40 copyback cache tidy
00003930 0094F4 SBASIC
0000CE4A 001538 SMSQ Messages
0000E3B0 000F0C SMSQ Q40 Keyboard Tables
0000F2F4 001C4A SBASIC Messages
00010F6E 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
00017A2A 0066D2 3.08 SMSQ Q40 DV3
0001E128 005C2C SMSQ Q40 Serial Drivers
00023D8C 0097F4 SMSQ Q40 QL CON Driver
0002D5B6 007B7E SMSQ Q40 16 bit Console Driver
00035172 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
00039F16 003D70 SMSQ System sprites
0003DCBA 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
00040DB2 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
00041970 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
00042E80 000526 SMSQ Q40 Initialisation
000433DE 000164 1.01 Initialise Q40/Q60 Cache modes
000435FC end of file
0004B632 length of file
00000018 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000001A0 00005C Java Emul Initialisation for SMSQ
000003F6 002F18 3.31 SMSQ
00003348 002ED2 3.31 SMSQ
0000624C 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
0000647E 0094F4 SBASIC
0000F998 001538 SMSQ Messages
00010EFE 00067A SMSQ GOLD Keyboard Tables
000115C2 001C4A SBASIC Messages
0001323C 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
00019CF8 005AD2 SMSQ JAVA Drivers
0001F7F8 00965A SMSQ GOLD CON Driver
00028E86 007C2A SMSQ JAVA 8 bit CON Driver
00030AEA 0079D2 SMSQ JAVA 16 bit CON Driver
000384F8 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
0003D29C 0051C4 3.08 JAVA DV3
00042488 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
00045580 003D70 SMSQ System sprites
00049324 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
00049EE2 0001F6 IP devices driver
0004A10A 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
0004B61A end of file
That is an impressive 7 variants of smsqe for the curators to update, certainly more than Microsoft countenances in windows. 0004B632 length of file
00000018 000154 SMSQ System Loader
000001A0 00005C Java Emul Initialisation for SMSQ
000003F6 002F18 3.31 SMSQ
00003348 002ED2 3.31 SMSQ
0000624C 000000 SMSQ Cache Handling Code
0000647E 0094F4 SBASIC
0000F998 001538 SMSQ Messages
00010EFE 00067A SMSQ GOLD Keyboard Tables
000115C2 001C4A SBASIC Messages
0001323C 006A8A SBASIC Procedures
00019CF8 005AD2 SMSQ JAVA Drivers
0001F7F8 00965A SMSQ GOLD CON Driver
00028E86 007C2A SMSQ JAVA 8 bit CON Driver
00030AEA 0079D2 SMSQ JAVA 16 bit CON Driver
000384F8 004D70 2.07 SMSQ Window Manager
0003D29C 0051C4 3.08 JAVA DV3
00042488 0030C8 2.31 HOTKEY System 2
00045580 003D70 SMSQ System sprites
00049324 000B8E 1.02 SMSQE HOME Thing
00049EE2 0001F6 IP devices driver
0004A10A 0014E4 1.00 Recent thing
0004B61A end of file
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