Tuesday 28 May 2019

QD and the QBASIC extension

There has been some confusion on the QL Forum concerning the F10 button associated "thing". QD comes with the QD/SBAS thing or it may be that this thing is part of smsq/e but however it is incorporated QD comes with it installed once the QD config block is configured to us this thing.

What the QD/SBAS thing does is to parse the SBASIC program being edited in QD and then execute the SBASIC program as SBASIC. Writing programs to be executed via QD/SBAS has a few quirks. For example if SBASIC programs are run from the interpreter of executed via the QPAC files thing, or via Qcascade if needed SBASIC windows #0,1 and 2 do not necessarily need to be explicitly opened as the program is wrapped in an SBASIC interpreter that already has these windows open. If launched from QD via the SBAS/QD thing then window#0 as a minimum needs to explicitly opened for the program.

The QBASIC extension thing is a completely different animal. When attached to the QD F10 button it will pass the program being edited to the QLiberator compiler (v3.35 and above) and either compile it or exec the compiled program directly.  The compile options to be passed to QLiberator can be modified at this stage before compilation if needed.

QBASIC is a separate extension than needs to be LRESPRed in the QL's boot program. It needs to be configured to find where QLiberator is stored on the system. QD itself needs to be configured to use the QBASIC thing, either in its config block or passed as a parameter when QD is executed as shown in the Q-DOCK program settings.

If there is a need to have both the QD/SBAS thing and SBASIC handy then an easy way to do this is to have 2 copied of QD  on one of the program launcher menu systems with one configured for QD/SBAS and the other for QBASIC.

The only was to pass a program between them is either via the scrap, less than 32k in size or as a file.

Recently QD has become freeware but the copyright status of QBASIC is not known although as an app it has no use other than as an extension to QD.

Friday 10 May 2019

File Handlers for QL systems

A recent addition to the list of QL software file managers,  QLCommander written by Andrew of the QL Forum, made us here think of all the other similar programs also available.

There are too many to list but include former commercial programs like QTOP and CUEshell :

 The ubiquitous QPAC2 files thing:

 And programs like QcdEze for CDROMs :

And so on. It is amazing that so many of them written sometime ago adapt so well to newer emulators and hardware developments of the QL.