Monday 28 February 2011

Favourite QL - smsqe Programs

An intermittent top 9 of QL programs. Best used besides smsqe are the three applications shown below, these are launchpad, QD and QcdEze.

Also worth a mention are CSB which clipped the screen to a pic file and then QLtoQ40gfx which coverted that to a bmp and  finally Cjpeg which transfomed the screen shot into the jpeg seen here. No windows software needed except to access the web. Spot all 9 programs? - SBASIC wrapped Cjpeg and Qmenu into a point and click application.

Finally here is an oddity a basic black box displaying on an Ilyama TFT monitor - courtesy of a PC with TV card. Could this be the way forward for hardware QL users given that CRT monitors are going to vanish eventually?

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